Charli has been under the weather for a couple of days, so I stayed home from work and took the kids out for the day. We started by heading to Saturn to get our keyless remotes programmed. They said it will take at least a half hour, and there were a few other folks ahead of us, so I loaded up the kids in our double jogging stroller and we trekked just over a mile to Burger King (the kids love the playplace there). Gabe was a trooper but didn't make it a half mile before he wanted a ride on the stroller...pushing 3 kids in 80 degree weather was not easy! And of course BK was keeping the air conditioning on low to save money (and make customers want to buy ice cream, I'm sure).

After enjoying our burger shots and having fun in the playplace, it was time to hike back to get our car. As we began to head out I noticed the stroller tires were completely wonder I'd had such trouble pushing them earlier! There was a gas station across the street which thankfully had free air, so we took care of that and headed out again. We didn't get half a mile and then the stroller came to an abrupt stop. Gabe had been sitting on the handle bar, so he almost landed in Bella and Declan's lap, poor guy! Turned out the front wheel had come completely off the stroller, so I had to get that fixed and all was well again.

Once home, we played outside for a bit and then let Annabelle take a nap. A nice relaxing afternoon. We really love living with Charli's parents in the country. The kids play outside every day now and can't imagine life any other way!
Next post I'll tell you how the rest of our afternoon went at a new zoo in Wichita called Tanganyika Park!
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